What is happiness?

Happiness is defined by the Oxford Dictionary, “as the state of feeling or showing pleasure,” but over the centuries some of the biggest names in philosophy and pop culture have tried to capture the essence of what happiness means;

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."

– Dalai Lama

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product."

– Eleanor Roosevelt

"Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing."

– George Sheehan

What is happiness? Aristotle

I used to believe happiness was subjective, much like success. For instance, success for one person means the nice car, the big house and fancy career. While for another success means simply getting up in the morning, managing a shower and not spilling coffee on their white shirt (that's me).

I've interviewed and chatted with people all over the world about good mental health which has made me entirely rethink the meaning the happiness. It doesn't matter who they are or where they are from there is always a common theme to the root of their happiness; connection.

Connection to happiness

I believe there are three types of connection that can make us happy:

  1. A connection to our environment

  2. A connection to others

  3. A connection to ourselves

Those that are deeply unhappy are often experiencing a disconnect to one, if not all of the above.

Could this be the answer to happiness? I would love to know what you think!


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